My radical agenda
I'm still reeling from this damn election as all of you who are truly worried about our country should be. I found this ad that Republicans sent out in Arkansas and I just wanted to scream. But then when I started to read this flyer I realized that I had a radical liberal agenda. Imagine that. According to this document the liberal agenda includes:
1. Removing God from the pledge of allegiance
2. Allowing teenagers to get abortions without parental consent
3. Overturning bans on partial birth abortion
4. Allowing same sex marriage
Now I have very little problem with God in the pledge. I really don't care one way or another. It's on our money so why not in the pledge. You can always do like I often do in church and either skip that part it or change it in you head. (I rarely say the "Our Father" prayer as it is written.) So that's not on my agenda. But I will admit that the other three are.
I do believe that teenagers should be allowed to get abortions without parent consent. I mean they're having sex without parental consent so what's the difference. I have a little girl and I would hope that if she ever got pregnant while she was still underage, that she would tell me. If she couldn't tell me (and this would mean I was doing something SERIOUSLY WRONG) then I would want her to have the ability to make a decision that would change the rest of her life. Why is it that the right wing so wants to act like sex doesn't exist? I don't believe that teenagers should be running around willy nilly having sex with anything that moves. I think sex at its best is sacred (do not read here "only during marriage", just sacred as in "deep, important, life altering") But I also think the best way to insure teenagers don't get in trouble with sex, pregnancy or STDs, is to educate them. Much of why teenagers actually do the sexual things they do is because they don't know anything. Experimenting is learning. They're getting their education their way. I don't want teenage girls having abortions at the drop of a hat but I do want them to be able to protect themselves and respect their bodies. That means sex ed people. That's my agenda.
Partial birth abortion, pah! That is my way of saying this is the most overblown issue I have ever seen. For one, most of us on the liberal side might be a little more sympathetic if laws actually took into effect the life of the mother. I know pro-life likes to pride itself on being for life but lets be honest: pro-life is for the life of the fetus, they don't care all that much about the woman carrying it. If she dies, well so much the better, the whore. Let's be honest, no one who has ever been pregnant and really understands what it is all about, would want to have this procedure if they didn't have to. These are not elective procedures people. This kind of abortion is when there are few other options. Even still this whole thing should be between a woman, her partner, and her doctor. Keep your hands and minds out of my reproductive systems. That's my agenda.
Allowing same sex marriage is a moral value. I just cannot see the problem with this. Two consenting adults love each other and want to commit to each other. Great. What is the problem? All of us who are married are joined in some sort of civil union. It was that part of the ceremony that means we're married in the eyes of the law. Some of us also got married in a church, meaning a religious blessing. Now if you're a church that is not interested in blessing these unions, fine. Don't. There are churches who will. But that's just icing on the cake. First you have the civil part. Religious conservatives can say all they want about not blessing these marriages from the pulpit but they should have zippo to say about the state. Let's fight against divorce instead. Let's say we will help to keep marriages together, make it easier to keep REAL family values. That's my agenda.
Then the final kick to me from the flyer is the line "Liberals want to impose their values on Arkansas." Okay. But you're so much better because Arkansans want to impose their values on liberals. And I never wanted to ban the Bible. Too much good stuff in there. But it just goes to show how the republicans repeatedly lie about things and people in middle and southern America just seem to eat it up.
So I say screw the south. My agenda is to have good sex, make responsible decisions about my own life, raise aware children, try to avoid sticking our kids with a used up world and an enormous debt, and making sure we aren't declaring war on various countries just because it seems like fun in all those video games. I know, I'm a true radical.
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