Saturday, October 08, 2005

The times they are a changin'

When I started this blog I was staying home full time with my kids and trying to figure out what they meant for me and my future. It was a way for me to think through what it meant to stay at home and how that had changed my life. Oh how things change.

Totally unexpectedly, and maybe because I've been thinking about it and blogging about it, I've gone from being a full time housewife to working part time and planning to attend seminary next year at least part time. Now I have even more questions about how you juggle all this and how you stay sane and keep your kids sane while running around trying to do too many jobs at once. But one thing is clear, I am no longer struggling about what it means to be a housewife. So I wonder what that means for this blog.

I guess if I had thought about it I would have tried to not define this all so narrowly but that was where I was then. It just isn't where I am now and it seems like somehow this blog needs to change to reflect that. I'm not sure what that means but just in case you come here some time soon and go - WHAT THE HELL??!! I thought I should explain.

In case nothing changes, you know I am either too damn busy to deal with it or I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to computers. Only time will tell.


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